Committees and Commissions
- in the Selection Committee and
- in the Findings Commission.
- two elected members of the Senate,
- two elected members of the University Council and
- a representative of the Ministry of Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Equal Opportunities Officer (EOO) of the University of Siegen with the right to speak and make motions.
- the rector and
- the chancellor.
- three elected members of the Senate and
- three elected members of the University Council
- Equal Opportunities Officer (EOO) of the University of Siegen with the right to speak and make motions.
Members of the University Council are represented
Selection Committee
The Selection Committee is responsible for preparing the appointment of a member of the University Council or the University Council as a whole by the Ministry of Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The committee consists of (§ 21 para. 4 HG)
as regular members and the
Note: Meetings of the Selection Committee are not open to public.
Currently the committee is inactive.
Findings Commission
The Findings Commissions is responsible for preparing the election of the full-time members of the rectorate (§ 17 para. 3 sentence 1 HG). Full-time members of the rectorate are
The commission consists of (§ 11 para. 2 Grundordnung)
as regular members and the
Rules of Procedure of the Findings Commisson
Note: Meetings of the Findings Commission are not open to pbulic.
Currently the commission is active.